Emotional Energy

Emotional Energy

Mina Fies is all about making the shift. Over the last twenty years, the remodeling expert has watched hundreds of clients stay in their houses unchanged even though it desperately needs a makeover. “People are simply afraid of the remodeling process,” she says. So Fies has made it her purpose in life to not only show clients the possibilities with renovations but also explain why it’s important for the health of their mind, body, and spirit. “Our spaces have an emotional effect on us,” says the entrepreneur and public speaker. “We spend so much time thinking about the environment around us such as what restaurant we want to eat at or what school our kids go to. But when it comes to where we live and where we spend the majority of our time, we don’t think about it much.”
Fies is especially keen on changing up your home after a major life change such as becoming empty nesters, going through a divorce, or even the loss of a loved one such as a parent you may have been caring for in your home. “It’s really about making the home yours again,” she explains. This can mean different things for different people, but the premise, says Fies, is the same: you’re shifting the energy to focus on the new moment in your life rather than relishing in the old.
For empty nesters, Fies recommends repurposing a child’s room into a place where you can relax, take advantage of a hobby you’ve always wanted to try, or simply convert it to the home office you never had. “People get so stuck on the idea that they have to keep things the same, especially with a child’s bedroom,” she says. “You first need to give yourself the permission to repurpose the room. Once you recreate the room, you’ll subconsciously shift the energy in a positive direction. The important thing is that it doesn’t have to be the space it once was. Just by repurposing that room by repainting it or changing a bed into a daybed for seating reclaims the space and makes it yours. This process makes the transition easier.”

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With her design expertise and exceptional marketing materials, Kim Marie showcases her listings in a way that's unlike other Realtors®. Whether you are looking to buy or sell you won't find a Realtor® as hard-working and dedicated as Kim Marie Angiulli.

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